sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2009

alertpay change to paypal

alertpay change to paypal
What do you need?
Before please making any transfer you communicate with me.
I won't become responsible for transfers made without before to have you official statement with me.
1. - your bills of AlertPay and PayPal should be with the same mail
2. - your mail bill and messenger should be the same of AlertPay and Paypal
1. to communicate with me for messenger, adding me to the bill ffjsh19732@gmail.com or mailto:ffjsh1973@gmail.com
2. to transfer of your bill AlertPay or PayPal (ffjsh19732@gmail.com) my bill of AlertPay or PayPal the quantity that deseés
3. to send me a mail to ffjsh19732@gmail.com with the following data
• In the Subject (Matter) he/she writes “to Transfer Alertpay to Paypal” or” to Transfer PayPal to AlertPay
• Names of the Bill of PayPal or AlertPay (mail) of the one that you sent the money
• No. of transaction (reference Number)
• Quantity of sent money and currency type
• Dates in the one that you sent the money in format mes/dia/año
• Bill of AlertPay or PayPal to which you want that he/she sends your money
What cost does he/she have alertpay?
The cost will be according to the total quantity of the transfer from 6% to 14% depending on the quantity that you transfer
10 - 50 dollars 14%
51 - 200 dollars 13%
201 - 500 dollars 12%
501 - 1,000 dollars 11%
1,001 - 2,000 dollars 10%
More than 2001 Dollars 6%
If you send $10 dollars, AlertPay discounts 2.5% and $0.25 of total cargos(un of 0.5 dollars) being $9.5 dollars, you remove 14% ($1.7 dollars) - 30 cents of dollar are $7.8 that it would be the quantity that I would send to your PayPal.
He/she remembers that paypal will also charge you a commission on the quantity that you/they send you, that it depends on the bill type that you have and your monthly revenues, approximately 2.9% and $0.30 of positions, so you would receive $7.19 dollars approximately.

How long slow?
From the moment in that you make your transfer and send the mail it will take from 05 to 10 skilled days.
He/she notices: Before making any transfer. communicate with me by means of my mail (ffjsh19732@gmail.com) or (ffjsh1973@gmail.com)

What cost does he/she have paypal?
Auctualmente in my it finishes transfer paypal it has charged me:

10 dollars 3.4%-0.30 for total transfer

If you send $10 dollars, paypal discounts the 3.4%-0.30 being $9.36 dollars, you remove 14% ($1.32 dollars) they are $8.04. that would be the quantity that I would send to your PayPal.
He/she remembers that paypal will also charge you a commission on the quantity of shipment.

If you decide to carry out the transfer you send me a mail confirming this transfer pa ra to be able to carry out my tranferencia previous discount of the commissions.

For not forgetting:

It counts paypal: ffjsh1973@gmail.com

It counts alertpay ffjsh19732@gmail.com

- I deposit in my cta alertpay or paypal
- Revision deposits
- Transfer and discount commission to your own bill.

couple to request information to send mail informing what you want to change.

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